Sunday, October 27, 2013

Letter to My Students

You can ignore the song they’re singing for you-
that flashy, loud (so they think passionate) lament,
a flimsy screen for chaos and despair
assuring that, "You can be everything you want,"
for they assume your wants they can assign. 
Your secret is to want more than they offer
to long for everything they do not love
never be enslaved to the apparent, 
learn to distinguish fame from music
(choose the music)
to drink your coffee black and without shame. 
Direct your thoughts instead to
ancient stories, long dead men
and wrap your mind in something not
that thing they urge you to do something with
to make, find, grasp, cling to, express it
This self obsession they have labeled Virtue,
but hawks the culture of the cannibal
so cleverly mislabeled and then marketed as Life.
They have never read. They do not know you must
unmake yourself, let go
push away from all you think you want
stop searching anymore.
Embrace the One
Who by His death to self, gives Life to all. 

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