Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gospel Femininity

The message of the gospel is that I'm accepted in Christ. It is, as one pastor put it, "free righteousness."  Which is what people never achieve on their own.  I don't have to work or strive or try to earn anything.  I accept that Jesus has borne the wrath of God for me, and I humbly come on His merit to be an heir to the grace of life.  The riches of heaven become mine because Jesus took my place and gave me His.  The gospel is a beautiful thing. And it's crazy!  God gives His Son to die in my place so I can live and then the Son lavishes me with the spoils of war that He rightfully won for Himself?  Yes.  Wow.

Gospel centered femininity is the same.  It's a realization of who a woman already is.  As such, women don't have to strive for a deeper femininity.  The closer I grow in my walk with Christ, the more His glory will be seen in me.  But I don't have to try to find ways to manipulate myself into being more feminine.
My goal is Christ. And femininity is a natural expression of Christ in me.

What is the definition of feminine?
Lace, bows, and makeup?
Ballet lessons and pink tutus?
Soprano voices and cute outfits?

Femininity is a godly response to masculinity.
It is strong.  It is beautiful.  It is secure.
It believes God and trusts in Him reflecting the Truth of the gospel.
This quiet and gentle spirit that Paul addresses is one of absolute trust in God.
Not the essence of a mindless, opinionless little girl flouncing around wearing pink.
But the warrior-like strength of a woman of God who stands in humility and submission to manhood, but in the confidence of the gospel.  Courageous.  Diligent.  Womanly.  Compassionate.  Kind.  Tender.  Vulnerable.  Beautiful.  
Outside of Christ, I can be none of these.  But in Him, I am daily being molded more and more into this Image.  Through the Word and the Spirit.
Because He loved me and gave Himself for me. 

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